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1st Annual CI-WATER Symposium Proceedings

Managing Water in an Uncertain Future:
Harnessing New Computational Power

Symposium Materials | Schedule | Presenters
The first Annual CI-WATER Symposium was held September 5-6, 2012
at the Natural History Museum of Utah in Salt Lake City.

CI-WATER Symposium: 2012 Materials

General Information


Presenter Materials


Being Honest about the Values of Models and Modeling: Why Model Outputs are the Least Valuable Part of the Process
Presenter Brad Udall, CU-NOAA Western Water Assessment

Industry Panel:

What do we need? A State Water Rights Agency Perspective
Presenter Sue Lowery, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office

Wyoming Water Development Commission and State Water Plan
Presenter Chris Nicholson, Water and Climate Data for the State of Wyoming


CI-WATER Symposium
Presenter Gene Shawcroft, Central Utah Water Conservancy

CI-Water Team Leads:

Cyberinfrastructure Facilities
Presenter Steve Corbató, Cyberinfrastructure Facilities, University of Utah


High-Performance Computing Hydrologic Model
Presenter Fred L. Ogden, Environmental & Natural Resources, University of Wyoming


CI-WATER Component 2: Enhance Access to Data and Computationally-Intensive Modeling
Presenter David Tarboton, Access to Data and Computationally Intensive Modeling, Utah State University


Brigham Young University Research Contributions - Objective #2: Enhance access to data- and computationally-intensive modeling
Presenter Norm Jones, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Brigham Young University


Goal 3 - Water Modeling
Presenter Steven Burian, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Utah


Additional Resources

EPSCoR Utah Brigham Young University Utah State University University of Utah University of Wyoming Utah Education Network EPSCoR Wyoming