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Curriculum & Student Interactives
Lesson Plans
1st - 3rd Grade
4th Grade
- Where's the Water?
An overview of water (properties, states, conservation, etc.)
- What Is the Weather Like?
Knowing about the weather can help understand future water sources.
- How Do You Dew?
Condensation and evaporation
- The Water Cycle Model
A classroom demonstration that will help students understand the water cycle.
- A Water Cycle Chamber
Understanding the water cycle in relation to the relationships between heat energy, evaporation and condensation of water.
- Water World Story
Students will write a story about how a drop of water may have traveled to arrive at the school.
- Where is Water Found?
Activity that helps students understand the distribution of water on Earth.
- All Washed Up
This lesson identifies groundwater as one of the locations that hold water as it passes through the water cycle.
- Miniature Water Cycles
Students construct a model of the water cycle in action using two-liter pop bottles to build a terrarium.
5th Grade
6th - 12th Grade
- Riparian Review
Students will identify and observe biotic factors in a riparian ecosystem
- That's Predictable
Students will be asked to research and report on ecosystem changes that occur as a result of changes in an aquatic environment.
- Water Management
Students will be assigned roles as community members, develop questions and positions, and participate in a mock “community meeting” to discuss the development of a water use plan that addresses water shortages, distribution, and water quality.
- Where's the Water?
Students will use 10 liters of water to represent all the water on the earth.
- There's Something in the Water
Wetlands in the U.S.
- Climate Wizard
Students can examine the spread in projections of precipitation and temperature.
Other Water Related Websites
- Digital Library for Earth System Education
Resources include electronic materials for both teachers and learners, such as lesson plans, maps, images, data sets, visualizations, assessment activities, curriculum, online courses, and much more.
- Friends of the Great Salt Lake
Introduction to Friends of the Great Salt Lake Education Programs.
- Great Salt Lake Ecology
This site includes facts, pictures, interactive activities and classroom experiments to better understand this extreme ecosystem.
- Great Salt Lake Institute
The Great Salt Lake Institute (GSLI) is dedicated to supporting research, education, and stewardship of our unique Great Salt Lake.
- Natural History Museum of Utah
Educator and student programs at the Natural History Museum of Utah.
- Thirstin's Question and Answer Game
Water knowledge trivia game.
- Utah Water Quality Kids Page
Water quality activities and ideas for Kids.
- Water Cycles
Water is constantly recycled in a process known as the hydrologic or water cycle.
- Water Cycle Lesson Plans
Lessons on the water cycle created by USU Water Quality.
- Water Science School
Water Science School
has an in-depth section about the water cycle, with information, diagrams, and an interactive diagram available for any age group, from 5 to 105.
- Water Wise Utah
Resources to enhance lessons, units or activities around water and water conservation.