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Modeling Apps and Tools

An important part of the CI-WATER project mission is to create and aggregate tools that make it easier for water resource managers and analysts to work with current data and advanced modeling systems. This page provides a portal to models produced by CI-WATER as well as some of the models our researchers have been using.

CI-WATER Product Map
CI-WATER Product Map
The CI-WATER project team has developed resources to help make advance modeling capabiliites more accesesable to the people who need them. See a list of these resouces in the CI-WATER Product Map.


Gateway software to access heterogeneous HPC storage and computational resources using secure shell (SSH).
HydroGate Python Client
HydroGate Python Client
Python client library for CI-WATER HydroDS web based data and computational services.


Tethys Tools

Tethys Platform
Tethys Platform
Tethys Platform has been designed to lower the barrier to water resources web app development. Convey your models and data as interactive web apps.
Tethys Apps Library
Tethys Apps Library
Tethys Platform can be configured so that it can host your web apps in a production environment. Users and clients will be able to access your web apps via a modern web portal called Tethys Portal.
Tethys Developer Tools
Tethys Developer Tools
Tethys provides a Developer Tools page that is accessible when you run Tethys in developer mode. Developer Tools contain documentation, code examples, and live demos of the features of various features of Tethys.
Tethys Document
Tethys Document
Tethys Platform provides a documenation library to help you get started developing apps using the tools avaialbe.
Tethys Platform Tutorials
Tethys Platform Tutorials
Tethys Platform training videos to help you get started developing apps using the tools avaialbe.



Utah Energy Balance (UEB)

Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Data Input Tools
Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Data Input Tools
Python script to set up a Utah Energy Balance Snowmelt Model for any watershed in the western US using data accessible through CI-WATER data services.
Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Snowmelt Model
Utah Energy Balance (UEB) Snowmelt Model
An energy balance snowmelt model to simulate snow processes in large watersheds at high resolution.


Other Tools

CI-WATER Data Services
CI-WATER Data Services
Data services that provide access to datasets commonly used as input to hydrologic models for the western US..
Create, submit, execute & monitor large batch computing jobs with HTCondor, all from Python.
Expose GSSHA models to the power of SQL databases by using this product to interface between the principal model files & a database.
Shaded Surface Mapping Program
Mapping Program
These models demonstrate shading projections as calculated by the program. The program can be used to model many land plots for any given day of the year.


Canned GSSHA
Canned GSSHA

Discover flood threat using the canned modeling approach & current hydrologic conditions; developed with Tethys Platform.


EPSCoR Utah Brigham Young University Utah State University University of Utah University of Wyoming Utah Education Network EPSCoR Wyoming